The High Performers Platform
The High Performers Platform
#9: Caroline Buchanan - 2 x Olympian & 8 x World Champion - The journey to become an Aussie icon and legend in the BMX & Mountain biking world
A must listen for anyone wanting to push boundaries and defy the odds.
An incredible story and conversation on so many levels. The journey to become a BMX legend, building a legacy and creating a foundation in what was once considered a "males" sport is truly amazing.
Learning what it takes to bounce back from a near fatal accident. How mentally challenging it is to participate at the Olympic games, and why we should always stay true to our selves, never give up and chase your dreams.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cbuchanan68/
Female BMX Scholarships: https://www.instagram.com/buchanannextgen/
Girls Can B Book: https://www.instagram.com/girls.can.b/
Oxidate’s Website: https://www.oxidate.com.au
Oxidate Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oxidate_performance/
Oxidate Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2iQXkX28ZiZHbHSV-91eLQ/